
Thai Back Massage

Thai Back Massage

Thai Back Massage

A type of traditional Thai massage, which focuses only on the upper part of the body, which are the back, the shoulders and the head. Menthol and camphor ointments used during the massage help to alleviate back pain and relax.

This massage is recommended for persons who complain of regular back pain, migraines, and who lead stressful lifestyles. The masseuse focuses on massaging the back, the shoulders, the neck and head, eliminating any resulting tension. Thanks to special herb ointments, the healing process is much faster, and the first effects of improvement can be felt immediately after the massage.

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Monday - Sunday 12.00 - 22.00

Thai Mai - Thai Massage Salon And Balinese
ul. Świętojańska 9 A
81-368 Gdynia
tel. +48 884 300 509
email: gdynia@thaimai.pl